Art With Angela in Montclair, NJ, offers Art Classes and Reggio-inspired Experiences for Young Children


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Angela has been inspiring my children for more than two years now.  She has a way of pulling such creativity out of their minds and hands.  I have seen my daughter beam with confidence at her art shows and my sons both rolling on the floor laughing as they saw their mache creations come to life in stop animation.  Angela is calm and patient and has opened their eyes to the world of art and made it such fun.  Her studio is warm and light and my kids feel like it is their special clubhouse on the hill.  I also love Angela's application of the Reggio technique to her classes.  It's fascinating to see my kids share their thoughts and ideas about the world and then to bring them to life in their creations.  I am looking forward to hearing about Angela's travels to Italy this year to continue her research on the Reggio Emilia approach and bring her techniques back to us here in Montclair!   

Art with Angela is one of those wonderful, unique experiences for children that parents rave about.  Not only is Angela a warm, fun and talented artist and teacher, but her projects are incredibly creative and customized.  There are too many to mention, but favorites have been a stop animation movie, a beautiful self portrait in clay, and Aboriginal didgeridoo, a group mural that was displayed at a restaurant in town...and so many more.  Angela's studio is the perfect comfortable setting for little ones, and they all laugh and chat around the art table.  We also love the weekly newsletters.  I cannot recommend Art with Angela highly enough! Jenny

My daughter has been going to Art with Angela for 4 or 5 semesters and has grown so much in her appreciation and enthusiasm for art. Angela goes out of her way to make kids feel good about their work and encourage them to be who they are and express that. Her end-of-semester-parties are always organized with so much thought and the kids are so proud to show off their artwork to parents/grandparents/siblings - I wouldn't want to miss it.  


I was looking for a class for my art-obsessed daughter when a friend told me about Art with Angela. It is exactly what we were looking for!  Angela gives her the opportunity to express herself each week by providing interesting, age-appropriate projects and the chance to work in different mediums. In fact, she loves it so much that her older brother decided to take Art with Angela, too.  
